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137 posts tagged with "devblog"

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PCSX2 PG And Official PCSX2 Teams Merge!

One min read

This has been considered for a long time and after the two teams met,we have come to a merge 馃槉 The new talented coders have already done great work on the emulator and will now be joined by the old PCSX2 team for an even better coding team!

The Amusement Continues

One min read

The new version of PCSX2 is out, development continues, ideas flow through the team and new ideas for fun spring to mind, just to forget about the work at hand for five minutes! This time, in the form of a video containing "misheard lyrics". We all listen to songs and sometimes completely miss the correct lyrics in a song, but i decided to go one step further with this following number and see what i could make in english out of a song which is sung in sweedish (afaik). The idea came around after Falcon4ever was thinking of ideas for a 404 page on a subdomain of ours to wind up one of the other team members, with the use of an annoying song.

Gamepad Support For Linux!

One min read

It's about time Linux users had a proper pad plugin! ZeroPAD now supports gamepads including analog axes... which some games are impossible to play without! So if you are a Linux user and are dying to play pcsx2 with a gamepad, please update the sourceforge svn or download the zeropad plugin sources below. If you are downloading, just unzip into your previous zeropad folder and 'make install'. For people having problems, post your questions in the forums.

Live Public Betas!

One min read

I hope everybody out there is enjoying 0.9.4 and trying our new online functionality, but for those of you who just managed to get some clean underwear on after the excitement, we have some more news for you, so underwear draw on standby.

Release Fixes And Stuff

One min read

Just a quick one, now i'm not suffering so badly from post traumatic release disorder, I thought I better just make a note saying to you guys the release builds were updated yesterday (if you didn't realize there was edit's) due to a bug making the TLB release extremely slow. This has now been fixed.

Gsdx9 Lives!

One min read

Gabest popped on to the forums yesterday to release a new version of his plugin, notable changes being: This version fixes a few things like shaking/interlacing MTGS crash fix Software rendering reaching about 10-20% higher framerate

Some Testing

2 min read

Work towards PCSX2 0.9.4 continues at a steady pace! GiGaHeRz has done significant work towards USB emulation, and we now have keyboard support!